Saturday, July 28, 2012

Youtube (Emily)

The joy of listening to Disney songs in different languages.  German is my personal favorite. :)

Monday, July 23, 2012

Shopping for school clothes!! (Emily)

These are a few of my new school clothes!!

oh yes!! I can wear sun glasses!! I have contacts!

And my cute little backpack for 7th grade!

A week with my cousins! (Emily)

My cousins from California came down for a week here are some pictures!   We made a little village out of toys!

Tylen and Hannah!

Our village

The youngest of 8 kids Olivia

Jamen and Tylen on the Dome!


Saturday, July 14, 2012

Hot chocolate!! ( Emily)

 A few nights ago after  we went swimming we were cold so we made hot chocolate!!
We got Alex smiling. We told him you can be on our blog not smiling and look stupid or you can smile and not look stupid. You are going to be on our blog either way. your choice.  He decided to smile. :)

Max is a messy eater. Can you see the candy cane on the side of his mouth?

This is just me.

This is Jolene! I'm not sure what she's doing!

Emily eating a candy cane!

Alex's mug!

Me and Max

                               A cute little picture of me and Max!! :)

Friday, July 13, 2012

Way back when...

Emily and Jolene sledding.

Jolene is sliding off!!

Emily and Jolene's birthday!!!

Spa night!!

Damaris almost flipping over.

Audrey joining Damaris.

Emily and Jolene!

Emily, Audrey, and Damaris!

High School Musical jump!

Emily, Audrey, and Damaris.

All of us with the bears!!

Emily and Jolene in the snow!

Emily, Jolene, Alex, and Max all in the snow!

I'm  not sure what he's doing.

Em and Jo.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Hangin With My Bro!!! :) (Jolene)

A little creepy eh?

Ha nice!!! :)

Wow nice and Funny!!! :)

OK now I look a little different eh?

Now that is of corse my goofy Bro!

A fun day with alex and max

My cute little baby Ziggy! :)

We got Max to smile unlike Alex who refused to smile.

Emily having fun on the tramp.

Emily is doing a High School Musical jump while Max is dancing. :)

Alex trying to do a front flip. This is the best picture we have of  him.

hanging with my siblings ( Emily)

This was one night in 2008 in my old room.

At our last family reunion Kassidy wanted all of us to pick her up for a picture.


So far today we have been hanging out with Alex and Max!!! We have had lots of fun playing scum. Max and I made a hand shake!! We will put pictures on soon!! :)

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Sister time (Jolene)

This was a night were Damaris and I were REALLY bored and
we took many pictures but these are only a few!!!

Happy Fishy Face and Mad Fishy Face!!! :)

This was another night were Meg, Dem and I were all bored and wanted
 a big laugh so here are some of those pictures!!! :)

And heres another with my Mom, Dem and I!

Now here is Damaris with of course BIG eyes!!! :)