Sunday, September 30, 2012

Hanging with friends!

The other night we played the "Pee game" the way you play it is that you have a ping pong table out with 2 buckets of water on each side, and you throw the ball into the bucket on the other side and if you get it in you get to pick someone to drink a whole cup of water! Who ever "pee's" first then they loose and are out of the game!!! :)

This is the Bucket of water to throw the ball in!

Emily and Ryden!

Me throwing the ball into the water!

Emily, Ryden, and Levi!

Emily dancing! :)

Levi having to drink the cup of water!

Gummy Bear What? :) (Jolene)

Oh yes Blue Gummy Bears! They taste Delicious!!! :)

I've got your BACK!!! :)

All of my Gummy Bears!

Disney call me maybe!! (Emily)

I love it :)

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Brothers reception!

So........... tonight my family and I went to my brothers reception! It was so much fun! Here are some pictures! (only some)

This is Megan, Damaris, Arcadia, and me! Sorry so blurry!

Here is the food I ate! More like treats!

Here they are again!

There colors were Purple, Green, White!

This is my brother Brendon, he says this is him smiling!

This is my brother that got married to Jill his name is Justin!

How cute is that they put this on all of the tables and a different picture on each table!

This is the thing they put up as you walked out! The candy was Bubble Gum, and a kiss here is the saying that came with it. "Spread the love, Blow a kiss!"

Tennis What? (Jolene)

So......... Jessica and I had a match today and it was a victory for Jessica and her partner but not for me! Ya! Oh well!

Oh yes Emily came to the match to cheer Jessica and I on!!!

Oh Kenzi I love you!

Me almost hitting the ball!

Me reaching up to the sky?

Jessica and Karly they are amazing at tennis!

Me waiting for Kenzi to come back and Serve! (the ball)

Stalker pics of my Brother? (Jolene)

Don't worry I am not a real stalker my brother was posing for most of them! I told him they were going to go on the blog and I didn't want them all blurry!

Getting into his car!

Turning it on! :)

Getting ready to drive!

Checking Phone!

I don't know in this one!

A picture of the front inside!

Checking phone one more time before he goes!!!! :)

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

a good night with friends! (Jolene)

This was a fun night with most of my friends!!! :)

Emily's on the far right then mine then Jessica's then Rachel's

Mine!!! :)  (It was a butterfly!)

Rachel's and Jessica's competting for most look a-like!!! :)

Now this is Emily's hers worked like none other!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Monday, September 17, 2012

If I am the only one...... (Jolene)

So.......... as I was looking at pintrest and it got me thinking (oh no) is probably what you are thinking but I just wanted to share these with all you guys!!! :)

Oh come on!!! :)
Ok I would try that but it would probably end up like the bottom one!

Ok tell me who hasn't done that one before!

Okay Funny! (Jolene)

Okay so you know that my name is of course a song so let this explain everything!!! Don't forget that the teachers also do it HA! Alot of people asked me if I know the song Jolene and of course I have cause I mean who hasn't sung it to me? I don't mind I just think it is funny!!! :) So true! I love this saying! :)

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Fun With Friends! (Jolene)

Oh My Gosh! Nice Picture!!! :)

Jo, and Sierra! My fav picture!

Wow now that is a very nice picture!!! :)

Ha! Emily, Jessica, and of course me Jo!