Friday, August 31, 2012

Junior High (Jolene)

I know you probably all ready heard ALOT about Junior High but hears my piont of view! So I made lots of new friends and still love my Besties! But in all of my classes I have a cool person that I have met and Love! In my P.E. class I met this girl named Braylee I think thats how you spell it! She really likes me (as a friend) we are friends! But I am still having a hard time adusting to everything in Jr. High it may be hard getting through the halls but I love it and of course I HATE that I can't just talk to one teacher and get all my advice from that teacher! But now 7 teachers which is hard cause they all give differant advice so you don't know what teacher to listen to cause they all have a differant piont of veiw! I like all of my teachers none of them are terrible and terrible at explaining!Butlife is good in Jr. High for this girl!

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